Category Reports

Housing Crisis for Low-Income Families in Toronto

A drop hitting water.

University of Toronto researchers released a report yesterday pointing to the desperate situation many low-income families are facing in Toronto.  The report entitled “Nowhere Else to Go: Inadequate Housing & Risk of Homelessness Among Families in Toronto’s Aging Rental Buildings” is…

New Report Shows 4 million People Food Insecure

A drop hitting water.

Yesterday the research group PROOF (part of the Canadian Institute of Health Research)  released an updated report on household food insecurity in Canada. Looking at 2012 data the numbers show an increase in food security in the country: 4 million…

Food Banks Report Calls for Systemic Change

A drop hitting water.

Yesterday marked an annual event in the Food Banks Canada calendar – the release of their annual Hunger Count report.  Pulling in data from their network of 3,000 food centres, the numbers are an example that the recession has not…

The Cost of Poverty in BC

A drop hitting water.

Funding for social services and assistance has consistently been cut in recent years, and it is not only to the detriment of individuals with low income, but to society as a whole.  A new study titled The Cost of Poverty…